Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Movie Review: Kill Bill Vol1 and Vol2 (3.5/4)

I enjoyed very much. I did not see them on Theater, so I recently rented them and watched continuously. It was a Quantin Tarantino magic. Simply exciting fun movie like Japanese comics and cartoons. There aren't many film maker who can make this kind of movie.

PearPC and CherryOS and Mac OS X

I recently installed PearPC ( successfully run Mac OS X Panther on Pentium 4 1.6GHz Machine.It was not very difficult, but took me more than 10 Hrs to install it.
Still Networking and Sound are not working.

By the way, Is CherryOS real? Is their claim real? is down now.

Apple ( annouced PowerMac G5 1.8GHz single processor ($1499). With same price iMac G5 1.8GHz single processor with 17inch wide screeen is selling. This new PowerMac is for user who likes to upgrade. I am considering buying Mac, and they are my two choises right now.