Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I am soon to be coming back for you!

2006 was a tough year for me, but there was many many changes in my life.
First, I quit my old company which I worked like 5 years. Then I worked for bakery which lasted 2 month. It didn't last long because of unfortunate event. Then I am now working for web programming company. The end of 2006, I started playing inline-hockey. I read many history related books about Japan and the world. My great grandma died in the spring of last year. Before she died, I went to visit her. She had great living power and spirit. I am very very thankful for her eventhough I don't know her very well.

So that's about it. My 2007 is started. I have to write a lot more than I had wrote in my whole life.
I am coming back.

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