Monday, August 09, 2004

Movies: Prozac Nation (2001)

Good movie.
Based on Elizabeth Wurtzel's book "Prozac Nation", and it is about depression. Casting is good, including Christina Ricci, Anne Heche, Jason Biggs, Jessica Lang.
Cristina Ricci's acting is wonderful; acting very emotional character. I give her **** out of 4.
The movie is *** out of 4.

Everyone has depression, and I have one once in a while. People should not think everyone has same solution. Sometimes it takes time. Sometimes it needs medication. What causes depression? Many variables. It is chemical balance in your body and brain, so drugs has effects. What you eat has effects. How you sleep and wakes has effects. How you excerise has effects. These are things you can do to control your body and brain. Then ofcause people around you have effects. Weather has effects. And many many things you have little control have effects too.

If you have depression, this movie is one good starting point for cure the depression.

*Based on this book
*Greg's Preview - Yahoo!Movies
*Other's Reviews

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