Friday, August 13, 2004

Movies: Road to Perdition (2002) *** out of 4

This movie is about father and son. In different relationships of father and son. Because something happens, a father and a son know and become closer to each other. Everyone has a father. May not have met one, but you have your own father, and he is a very special person. Sometimes something need to happen for people to get to know more? Get to close? Like 9/11 brought American people closer? It can be good, not bad like life and death situation, special situation to bring people closer right? Maybe people need to create some dramatic thing to happen. We have to try to make life dramatic.

Directed by Sam Mendes of American Beauty. It did not come close to what American Beauty did. Tom Hanks was good as usual.

The film *** out of 4.


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